Hello there! Welcome back to my blog! Today, we’ll explore a k-drama called “I have a lover” and it’s shade it throws towards big pharma aka the harmaceutical industry. If you don’t want spoilers and/or plan to watch this, I’d advise you not to read on.
Characters in drama relevant to pharma
- Kim Hyung Joo as Do Hae Gang- Woman who was once a lawyer for the big pharma company in the show. She was often a ruthless lawyer that was corrupt. She did 1 year in jail from 2016-2017 in the show. She also was duped by Baek Soek (played by Lee Kyu Han) to think she was Dok yon gi and was a lawyer for him; it was the opposite. She intended to help families harmed by big pharma.
- Kim Hyung Joo as Dok yon gi- Woman who’s fiance killed himself over big pharma harm. She also worked for the company, and was a whistleblower on the drug. Was ostracised by her company, forced to flee the area, and eventually moved to the USA in the end.
- Ji Jin Hee as Choi Jin Eon- was an insufferable twat in the beginning of the show, also a cheating whore lmao, but he was a researcher for the drug pudoxin (fake name, but I forgot what the drug it was actually based on irl), and eventually became vice president for the company. In the end, he found out some fucked up things his dad had done, and also wanted to take Min Tae Seok (played by Gong Hyung Jin) down for his corruption.
- Park Hyung Bul as Kang Seol Ri- was the mistress of Choi Jin Eon, but was harmed by pudoxin. Gave her symptoms of osteoporosis at the age of 34. She was in a drug trial of pudoxin and was also going to school for pharma.
- Lee Kyu Han as Baek Soek- spent 4-5 years to become a lawyer to help out people who were harmed by pudoxin. One of the main characters in this drama.
- Dokgo Young Jae as Choi Man Ho- president of big pharma company. Stole patent from his “friend” (he wasn’t really a good friend to him) and also killed him due to this. Extremely corrupt and fucked up individual. Ended up dying in one of the last episodes lmao. His own son wanted to take him down due to his corruption.

Ai picture Dalle formed for me. Looks a lot like Ji Jin Hee in this picture.
I honestly love this drama on how it throws shade at the harmaceutical industry. The absolute corruption really makes this fictional melodrama seem like reality (which in USA, it is). If you ever researched stuff on alternative medicine websites, you’d know the trials they hide a bunch of shit in them. They’re so corrupt that them showing this fake drug pudoxin, is actually what drug trials do. They probably also deceive others in many different ways (trust me, I know for a fact).

Hae Gang (Kim Hyung Joo) protesting Pudoxin
I asked Ai what real life drug Pudoxin is based off of, and it gave me this answer:
“In the K-drama “I Have a Lover,” the fictional drug “Pudoxin” is based on the real-life drug Thalidomide. Thalidomide was originally marketed as a treatment for morning sickness in pregnant women during the late 1950s and early 1960s. However, it was later discovered that Thalidomide caused severe birth defects, leading to one of the biggest pharmaceutical scandals in history.”
I’ve always wondered why people shill for corrupt industries like pharma, porn, gambling, oil etc. It amazes me how people can be easily deceived by the insidious industries like that. They’re so brainwashed by the capitalistic nature that because the radlibs tell them that it’s healthy, then it must mean anyone against it must be x, y, and z. All while claiming they’re leftists lmao. (another blog post for later)
If you haven’t already, I recommend watching the 50 episode drama “I have a lover”. It starts off slow, but like any melodrama, that’s honestly expected. I will warn you though, it is an hour and fifteen minutes long. One of the first dramas I’ve completed, along with “Yes Sir, Sorry Sir” and “Lady of the Storm”.
See you guys later-
Kansey Picciotto