Today, we’ll discuss a phenomenon thats been going around since at least the
LiveJournal days, moved into Tumblr, and is now spreading through the garbage
social media app called tiktok. Fauxtistics and fauxtism.
What is fauxtism and fauxtistics?
Great you asked that. Fauxtism and fauxtistics are just terms I’ve used for
allistic individuals who pretend to be autistic and have autism. These are the
same people who’ll claim that it’s not a disability, say how it’s just a
quirk, and will pretend to stim. They’ll also have “texture issues” (they’re
generally over exaggerated), say they have ’tism, and claim self diagnosis is
valid. Self diagnosing in general is dangerous. They’re also the ones who’ll
normiesplain bullshit to you about autism and say they’re neurodivergent or
neurodiverse (which doesn’t mean anything anymore as abusive asshole disorders
like cluster b personality disorders and non-veteran PTSD/C-PTSD (which behave
like cluster b’s, most likely comorbid with them) are now considered
Another issue with these deceptive assholes is that not only do they want to
be autistic so badly, they’ll claim if they weren’t diagnosed as autistic when
they got tested, they’ll say they ” failed it” and are still autistic.
These same people will actually shit on autistic people, ESPECIALLY severely
autistic/level 3/kanner’s/autistic disorder/classic autism/infantile autism
individuals. They’re shitting up communities and drowning out voices of high
to very high support needs individuals as well. Even the aspie supremacists
(who think their autism is different than the other “peasant” autists (they
kinda have an arrogant narc like tendencies in their wording, even though
studies from aspergers labelled these individuals as autistic) will be drowned
out by these fauxtistics. These same people labelling themselves as
neurodiverse, neurodivergent, autistic and less commonly, aspergers (some
cluster b’s will hide under the DSM IV label aspergers) will also make fun of
actual autistics like my friends, myself and a family member of mine. *
Here’s a couple of pictures of either diagnosed autists who lack a backbone enabling these fauxtistics or fauxtistics whining about their bs getting called out

From the context, I wouldn’t be surprised if the original tweeter on xitter was a fauxtistic. The retweeter however, is an actual autist, who just happens to lack a backbone. Anyways, an autism diagnosis isn’t “forcibly branded” onto anyone at all. In fact, early intervention more often than not helps with the autism symptoms more. Just like somebody can regress in their autism, early intervention helped me progress (aka make my symptoms more milder). I would assume my sensory issues were more moderate and my social communication was closer to severe at one point (was semi-verbal at one point in my life).

I wouldn’t be surprised if this fauxtistic got mad because even a professional in psychology themselves cannot self diagnose themselves with anything. Also the fauxtistic having “meltdowns”; I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something to do with BPD lol. I know the main sub, which should be renamed to r/fauxtism at this point, hates both r/autisticpeeps and r/spicyautism for existing LOL.
*In a future post, I’ll explain my autism and how it’s been mislabeled as
infantile autism/classic autism/autistic disorder/kanner’s and just level 1
and how I have different supports for my social communication (suspected level
2) and my rrb’s and how deceptive assholes still make fun of me for even the
relatively mild rrb’s and are now calling themselves neurodiverse and
neurodivergent. This will be probably one of the last parts of the fauxtism
series in general.