Angela C. Wild is a political “lesbian” aka straightbian who is the founder of Get the L out. She is somebody who was inspired to “become” a lesbian by Sheila Jeffreys, another well known straightbian. You can see her lesbophobic drivel here:
“In 2012, heterosexual and very pregnant, I was involved in helping to organize a radical feminist conference in London. It was to include a special focus on Lesbian Feminism which I remember thinking at the time was not relevant to me as I was not a Lesbian. I could not have been more wrong. I had no idea Lesbian Feminism applied to me and indeed had the potential to apply to any woman.

(c) Angela C. Wild
At the conference, I listened to Sheila Jeffreys give a talk on Lesbian Feminism. She shared how it was for her in the 1970’s, how she and thousands of women were challenging their sexuality and heterosexual conditioning, leaving it all behind — men, families, communities, sometimes children — to embrace a sexuality they had freely chosen, to place their focus, love, energy onto themselves and their sisters. I listened in absolute revelatory shock! The neurons of my brain worked extra fast to connect the dots, my life fast tracking before my eyes. The power of truth of radical politics hit me then and there. I looked at the room and wondered how many women had the sudden revelation as well? To me, it was crystal clear. I decided in that room that the man I was then involved with would be the last. I declared myself a Lesbian in 2013.
I smile as I write this because the power of that choice, the real true one I have ever made, is still resonating in me. I was indeed very lucky to know quite a few women who also were political Lesbians. Their support, patience, and the discussions we had made it possible for me and I am forever grateful for their friendship and guidance. I am sure most women who challenge their sexual conditioning don’t have such a support in real life and rely solely on social media for it. Unfortunately that support is not always readily available online as I soon found out when I started to work on some political Lesbian visuals to post on social media sites such as Tumblr. The result of my mini campaign was a real eye opener. I knew political Lesbianism was a controversial subject – how could it not be?! Telling women to withdraw themselves from men and love their sisters is not going to receive patriarchal support! Not in the 1970’s and certainly not now!
I was not entirely surprised but unprepared for the backlash a simple image could have. Thousands of Tumblr users calling me an absolute homophobic (insert insult of your choice here) for daring to suggest that sexuality was socially constructed and not innate. What struck me the most was that alot of these verbal attacks were written by women. I was hit once again by the rhetoric that kept me away from Lesbianism to begin with: that one has to be born a Lesbian to be one. This rhetoric is powerful and seen as absolute ”truth” today in most queer LGBTQ circles, in feminist circles even radical ones, as well as in the straight world. This rhetoric is dangerous and problematic because it contributes to keeping women locked up in heterosexuality.

(c) Angela C. Wild
It’s important to know where this ideology comes from. Originally it was the Victorian sexologists who came up with the theory/propaganda that sexual behaviour had to be labelled. That is a man or a woman engaging in sexual activity with a person of their sex is called a “homosexual”. This framed sexual behaviour as an essential part of one’s personality, a trait one is born with. Before that time, there was no need to label sexual behaviour; the behaviour didn’t label the person. But to explain homosexual behaviour, it had to be established that indeed heterosexuality was the norm so that homosexuality could be framed as a biological perversion. The Victorian sexologists are still working tirelessly today to locate the gay gene.”
For anyone who knows, homosexuality is determined through the womb. You’re born heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Every woman cannot be a lesbian, because female homosexuality is extremely rare. Unfortunately, many straightbians tend to appropriate lesbianism in their own hetsplained (or bisplained) ways. Too many of them are in the western Anglo world.
Receipts of Angela C. Wild’s hetsplainations:
sources: and
Of course, a fellow straightbian from tumblr named menalez aka menahet did find out receipts of her tweets. Pot, meet kettle.

Because even with the lesbians later in life, they knew from the very beginning that they’re homosexual. Same with the gay men. Majority of goldstars are lesbian (although I dated a fakebian who’ll most likely not have sex with other men; we’ll see though lol). Most non-goldstars aren’t homosexual, but usually they’re silverstars, and very few past that. Even then, they knew they’re homosexual from the very beginning.

Straightbian “every woman can be a lesbian” trope. Yet they don’t realise they’re the same as tra’s in many different ways.

At least she acknowledges she’s a straightbian. However, I wish she didn’t speak for lesbians. Angela, you’re a heterosexual woman, please stop speaking for homosexual women- from a bisexual woman

Well Angela, it’s because you aren’t a real lesbian; you’re a straightbian. Maybe if you lived authentically and decided to be celibate instead, then maybe lesbians wouldn’t have had a problem with you.

You don’t choose your sexuality, though. That’s like saying heterosexuality is a choice. No sexual orientation is a choice.

The fact that you get mad when people rightfully point out that sexuality is a choice, means that you’re a straightbian.

Honestly, I think the political straightbians and the modern day pseudo-progressives’ homophobia are a psyop created by the CIA to divide people, especially the working class populations. I mean, idpol is obviously a psyop created by the CIA imo. But with one thing the religious homophobes, pseudo progressive homophobes, and the feminist homophobes all have in common is that they think being LGB is a choice. You’re more alike than different to them, Angela.

Angela has cognitive dissonance. Being a political straightbian is the same as men claiming to be lesbians. Why? Because not every woman is a lesbian, and men cannot be lesbians.

She parrots the same talking points that many straightbians do. Claiming it’s a choice blah blah blah. All the same bullshit imo. However, I’m glad lesbians like this one are standing up to her.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I actually plan on making one later tonight.
See you guys later
– Kansey Picciotto