Hello again! This is Kansey Picciotto here! Today, we’re going to dig into one of the most common lies president’s use when they’re in campaigns: “family men/family man”. It’s most likely because they want to target specific demographics when they use that. From Franklin D Roosevelt to Donald J Trump*, we’ll expose how most of these presidents aren’t/weren’t really family men at all. Warning: some of it is so damn disturbing. If content like this disturbs you, I’d advise you to NOT read this any further.
*Biden will be researched on once he’s out of office; either in 2025 or 2029.
In part 1, I’ll post about presidents who are active presidents during WW2 and beyond. However, it’s the presidents who don’t have as much milk/dirt/tea, including the ones who contradicted their “family man” image. The presidents who’ll get their own separate posts are:
- John F. Kennedy
- Ronald Reagan
- George H. W. Bush
- Bill Clinton
- George W. Bush
- Barack Obama
- Donald J. Trump
You guys read that right! Seven presidents from WW2- present will receive their own special posts from research I’ve gathered about them. From the many affairs that John F Kennedy had, The Franklin coverup and other horrific things Reagan and Bush Sr. did, Monica Lewinsky with Bill Clinton, rumors of bisexuality with George W. Bush and Barack Obama, to Stormy Daniels and Donald J. Trump, there’s all kinds of milk about their confirmed and/or alleged sex lives of these former presidents.
Franklin D Roosevelt (1933-1945)

Image: FDR with Lucy Mercer Rutherford in the center and Elanor Roosevelt on the right. Elanor had some affairs herself, including ones with other women.
- His public image often portrayed him as a devoted husband and father
- Despite the public image, he had an affair with Lucy Mercer Rutherford in 1918, and then again in 1944. “While working for Eleanor, Lucy met Franklin and the two began a romantic relationship. Eleanor learned of the affair in 1918 when she found a package of Lucy’s letters in FDR’s luggage. Despite the social stigma then attached to divorce, the couple considered it but eventually decided to reconcile because of family and financial considerations: FDR’s political career, which a divorce would have ended, and a shared sense that they both wanted and needed to continue their marriage. Historians have speculated about the level of emotional and sexual intimacy the Roosevelts experienced thereafter, but most agree that the marriage endured as a shared partnership on many levels. They also agree that the affair changed both Franklin and Eleanor significantly. He became more serious personally and politically while she deliberately expanded the range and scope of her already considerable public and private activities.”
- “Although he had promised Eleanor never to see Lucy again, FDR did ask Lucy to attend his 1933 inauguration. The two began to see each other again after her husband died in 1944 because FDR wanted and needed companionship. Eleanor did not know of these meetings, many of which her daughter, Anna, arranged, and was angered when she learned of them. She was also disturbed to learn that Lucy had been among those who were with FDR when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.”
- Despite his personal issues and questionable leadership, he maintained the image of being a devoted husband and father.
Harry S Truman (1945-1953)

Since no milk about any affairs, here’s a picture of Harry S Truman with his wife.
- His public image portrayed him as an honest and dedicated family man
- As of my research, no controversies, speculations, or rumors that contradicted his public persona.
- His public persona remained untainted by personal issues. No milk besides the bombings of Japan by TRUE AND HONEST anti-war leftists.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)

Dwight D Eisenhower with Kay Summersy
- His public image portrayed him as a stable family man
- He had an affair with and Irish woman Kay Summersy during his time as a military officer “efore he was President of the United States for two terms, Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of his nation’s most successful military leaders. He is most famous for serving as Supreme Commander of the Allied invasion of Europe during World War II. His military service meant long periods of separation from his wife, Mamie, and it was during his time in Europe that Eisenhower developed a relationship with his attractive secretary and driver Kay Summersby. While there is disagreement about how intimate the two were, it was serious enough for Eisenhower to consider divorcing his wife, and it stirred up gossip about all the way back in Washington.”
- “Kay Summersby was a member of the British Mechanized Transport Corps during World War II. Born in 1908, she served as Eisenhower’s chauffeur and later as his secretary. They spent a great deal of time together until the war ended, when Eisenhower returned to the United States.”
- “Historians differ in their opinions as to whether Summersby had a sexual relationship with Eisenhower during the war. In 1948 Summersby wrote her first memoir, entitled “Eisenhower Was My Boss”, with journalist Frank Kearns. In the book she made no mention of any affair. However in her 1975 autobiography, entitled “Past Forgetting: My Love Affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower” she was quite clear that her romance with Eisehnower was an intimate relationship. Past Forgetting was ghostwritten by Barbara Wyden while Summersby was dying of cancer. She decided to publish the book after Eisenhower had died in 1969. In this book, Summersby claims that her omission of the affair with Eisenhower in her 1948 book was due to her concern for Eisenhower’s privacy. But she said, shortly before her death: “The General is dead. I am dying. When I wrote Eisenhower Was My Boss in 1948, I omitted many things, changed some details, glossed over others to disguise as best I could the intimacy that had grown between General Eisenhower and me. It was better that way.”
- “But according to Summersby in the second book, there really wasn’t much of a sexual relationship between the two, in part because she claims that Eisenhower suffered from erectile dysfunction. She claims that there were two unsuccessful attempts to have intercourse, but that on both occasions Eisenhower was unable to perform. Summersby claimed that the affair mostly consisted of “stolen kisses” during walks or while the two were flying together. She says that the often held hands, and went horseback riding or golfing together. She kept a note from rather strange note from Eisenhower that asked, “How about lunch, tea & dinner today? If yes: Who else do you want, if any? At which time? How are you?”
- “In Eisenhower’s memoir of the war, entitled “Crusade in Europe”, he briefly mentioned Summersby among a list of aides. Surviving members of Eisenhower’s staff denied that there was ever an affair between the couple. Eisenhower’s son John, a noted historian who briefly served as his father’s aide, described Summersby as “the Mary Tyler Moore of headquarters. She was perky and she was cute. Whether she had any designs on the Old Man and the extent to which he succumbed, I just don’t know”.”
- “According to author Merle Miller, President Harry S. Truman said that in 1945 Eisenhower asked permission from General George Marshall to divorce his wife to marry Summersby, but permission was refused. Truman also allegedly said he had the correspondence between Marshall and Eisenhower retrieved from the Army archives and destroyed. Truman’s critics claim that Truman was not being truthful about Eisenhower because of animosity between the two men that intensified during the Eisenhower presidency.”
- “One of Eisenhower’s more thorough biographers, Jean Edward Smith, wrote, “Whether he and Kay were intimate remains a matter of conjecture. But there is no question they were in love”. In addition to Miller, Smith also relies on source information from Garrett Mattingly, who as a naval officer in Washington censored outgoing cables, Mattingly told a similar story to his Columbia University faculty colleagues in the early 1950s. Smith cited several other people who believed in or were told of the existence of an affair. A further source is General Omar Bradley, who claimed in his autobiography that Eisenhower and Summersby were in love. Bradley wrote: “Their close relationship is quite accurately portrayed, so far as my personal knowledge extends, in Kay’s second book, Past Forgetting”.
- Despite all of this, his image remained largely intact. I guess it helps that TV was only starting to become more popular during his presidency, and the fact that there wasn’t internet or social media then.
John F Kennedy (1961-1963)
Will be in a separate post. Loads of milk about all of his affairs. I’m obviously not going to post all of the pictures of the affairs, so no picture for you!
Lyndon B Johnson (1963-1969)

Since no affair milk, only controversies is due to his aggressive tactics. Anti-war hippies are based. Anyways, here’s a picture of Lyndon B Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird Johnson.
- Image portrayed him as a devoted husband and father
- As stated before, controversies are due to war shit.
- Image was ruined due to the war criminal stuff.
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

No affair milk, but there’s some alleged scandal that Richard Nixon was physically abusive towards his wife, Pat Nixon. Also a non-affair scandal was Watergate (one of the first gates 🙁 ). Pictured is Richard and Pat Nixon.
- Public image perception: dedicated family man
- As stated, no affair milk, but controversies include the Watergate scandal and physical abuse. Link to this: https://www.history.com/news/pat-nixon-abuse-allegations-richard-nixon-seymour-hersh-memoir
- Due to Watergate, his reputation was ruined.
Gerald Ford (1974-1977)

- Public perception of Gerald Ford was that he was a wholesome family man
- No affair milk, no abuse, but Betty Ford was open about her alcoholism, psychiatry, and breast cancer. sources: https://www.distractify.com/p/betty-ford-alcoholism https://geraldrfordfoundation.org/40th/40-points-first-lady-betty-fords-breast-cancer/
- The overall honesty was wholesome and endearing to the public.
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)

Then-President Jimmy Carter holding his granddaughter Sarah, being flanked by his wife Rosalynn and daughter Amy, at the Democratic National Convention. Diana Walker/The Chronicle Collection/Getty Images
- Devout Christian and family man
- No milk/controversies, but there were political challeneges
- Maintained a strong family image. From my perspective, it genuinely does seem to match up. Even before he was put into hospice back in 2022-2023, he was building houses for other people. Overall a good man.
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
Just putting the rest of them here, even though they’re going to be separate posts, but no picture for you! Some milk on Reagan as well!
George W. H. Bush (1989-1993)
A lot of milk, but the most horrifying shit out there was the Franklin Coverup. Lots and lots of milk about him. No picture for you!
Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
A lot of milk, and not just the “sex with that woman” that got memed. One of them includes supposed affairs with black women as well. No picture for you!
George W Bush (2001-2009)
So much affair milk with Bush, mostly with men, but a few women. No picture for you!
Barack Obama (2009-2017)
Once again so much affair milk. Most of them were with men. No picture for you!
Donald J Trump (2017-2021)
It’s obvious that there’s the Stormy Daniels affair, but he has some other affairs as well. No picture for you!
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (2021-?)
Will be researched until a future post of him. No picture for you!
Sources for images and info:
- https://www.nps.gov/people/lucy-mercer-rutherfurd.htm
- https://potus-geeks.livejournal.com/695461.html
- https://photos.com/featured/harry-s-truman-and-wife-bettmann.html
- https://www.biography.com/history-culture/lady-bird-johnson
- https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/11/09/richard-and-pat-nixon-saw-donald-trumps-victory-coming-nearly-three-decades-ago-letter-shows/
- https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/gerald-ford-wife
- https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/07/politics/jimmy-carter-rosalynn-carter-marriage-anniversary/index.html