Welcome back to my blog! Today, we’re going to be discussing fictional frauds. We’re going to continue discussing Gilderoy Lockhart, and how he deceived others in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Career as an author

Lockhart, posing with one of his supposed achievements.
After Lockhart graduated from Hogwarts, he became and accomplished author. He mastered memory charms, and went all over the world. However, he tricked very successful witches and wizards into revealing their ideas, then erased their memories, so he can steal them as his own. This came with a heavy cost, as he didn’t practice on any other spell or charm besides the memory charms.
Every time he went back to Britain, he came back with an autobiography of his supposed adventures. All of his books consisted of over exaggerations and self-promoting shit, which is why I think he’s both Histrionic and Narcissistic. Despite the deceit he had done in his books, he became very popular in his writings. From personal experience, cluster b’s (only dealt with NPD, BPD, and HPD; never have dealt with ASPD, so I cannot write about ASPD in my personal experience) and other abusive asshole disorders, like non-veteran C-PTSD/PTSD are either known to trick and fool a fuck ton of people, or hardly anyone at all. The people in general fooled are either high in agreeableness (ironically, individuals who are BPD and non-veteran C-PTSD/PTSD tend to be highly agreeable people pleasers 🤮; this is all from my personal experience as well), or useful idiots, or both.
Due to either the highly agreeable individuals, or useful idiots, he received many different rewards for his bullshitting in his books. He was ironically invited to join the Dark Arts Special forces due to his conning and trickery, but we all know he doesn’t know jack shit about Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Lockhart believed that if the more attention and exposure to the press he got, the more likely he would be able to succeed in his career. This aligns with many cluster b personality disorders, which one of the main themes I’ve noticed in abusive assholes with cluster b personality disorders, is the constant need for attention and admiration. Anyways, his second bestseller was Gadding With Ghouls, and this actually somewhat damaged his popularity. He went “missing” for three weeks, after he told the Daily Prophet that he’s been captured by trolls. In my opinion, the fact that he told the Daily Prophet that he supposedly has been captured by trolls makes him a lolcow. Once again, this story boosted his popularity.

Picture of Lockhart with a troll
At some point, Lockhart held a Wagga Wagga Werewolf symposium after the release of Wanderings with Werewolves. I believe this is the actual story that he stole from the Armenian witch with a hairy chin. During the event, he gave a public demonstration of the Homorphus Charm as well as incorrectly stated that werewolves were weakened by sunlight.
Sources for image and blog post: